
Use Cases



Ingest your users’ external data for RAG

Ingest your users’ external data for RAG

Connect to users' external applications and ingest all of their structured and unstructured data.

How this works in Paragon

How this works in Paragon

Build durable background Workflows to Ingest all of your users' existing 3rd party data, and stream new updates in real-time.

Build durable background Workflows to Ingest all of your users' existing 3rd party data, and stream new updates in real-time.

Historical ingestion

Real-time ingestion

Historical ingestion

When a user first authenticates, run an ingestion job to pull in all their existing data.

Process millions of requests concurrently w/ fan outs

Enable users to map fields between 3rd party data and your app

Supports usage of batch APIs

Programatically create new fields in the 3rd party app

Paragraph (Code)

Workflow Builder

Historical ingestion

Real-time ingestion

Historical ingestion

When a user first authenticates, run an ingestion job to pull in all their existing data.

Process millions of requests concurrently w/ fan outs

Enable users to map fields between 3rd party data and your app

Supports usage of batch APIs

Programatically create new fields in the 3rd party app

Paragraph (Code)

Workflow Builder

Historical ingestion

Real-time ingestion

Historical ingestion

When a user first authenticates, run an ingestion job to pull in all their existing data.

Process millions of requests concurrently w/ fan outs

Enable users to map fields between 3rd party data and your app

Supports usage of batch APIs

Programatically create new fields in the 3rd party app

Paragraph (Code)

Workflow Builder

Historical ingestion

Real-time ingestion

Historical ingestion

When a user first authenticates, run an ingestion job to pull in all their existing data.

Process millions of requests concurrently w/ fan outs

Enable users to map fields between 3rd party data and your app

Supports usage of batch APIs

Programatically create new fields in the 3rd party app

Paragraph (Code)

Workflow Builder

Orchestrate extensible data ingestion pipelines

Orchestrate extensible data ingestion pipelines

Pre-process and support dynamic, user-specified settings in your ingestion workflows.

Pre-process and support dynamic, user-specified settings in your ingestion workflows.

Clean, chunk, and index unstructured data

Pre-process and chunk data with our highly extensible Function Step that supports importing JS libraries and npm modules.

Clean, chunk, and index unstructured data

Pre-process and chunk data with our highly extensible Function Step that supports importing JS libraries and npm modules.

Clean, chunk, and index unstructured data

Pre-process and chunk data with our highly extensible Function Step that supports importing JS libraries and npm modules.

Clean, chunk, and index unstructured data

Pre-process and chunk data with our highly extensible Function Step that supports importing JS libraries and npm modules.

Let users configure what data to share

Easily surface configuration options with User Settings in the embeddable Connect Portal.

Let users configure what data to share

Easily surface configuration options with User Settings in the embeddable Connect Portal.

Let users configure what data to share

Easily surface configuration options with User Settings in the embeddable Connect Portal.

Let users configure what data to share

Easily surface configuration options with User Settings in the embeddable Connect Portal.

Purpose built for high volume data ingestion

Purpose built for high
volume sync

Whether you’re ingesting terrabytes of unstructured data, Paragon’s workflow engine can handle it.


Requests per second


Data per day

Workflow engine

Run syncs and automations at scale on our Workflow Engine. Workflows can retry from errors automatically, replay from the original request payload, and show input and output for every running step.


Requests per second


Data per day

Workflow engine

Run syncs and automations at scale on our Workflow Engine. Workflows can retry from errors automatically, replay from the original request payload, and show input and output for every running step.


Requests per second


Data per day

Workflow engine

Run syncs and automations at scale on our Workflow Engine. Workflows can retry from errors automatically, replay from the original request payload, and show input and output for every running step.


Requests per second


Data per day

Workflow engine

Run syncs and automations at scale on our Workflow Engine. Workflows can retry from errors automatically, replay from the original request payload, and show input and output for every running step.

Standalone queue

Main queue

Data sync

Dedicated queues

Install the Paragon SDK from npm and embed any integration into your app. Fully compatible with Next.js, React, and Vue apps.

Standalone queue

Main queue

Data sync

Dedicated queues

Install the Paragon SDK from npm and embed any integration into your app. Fully compatible with Next.js, React, and Vue apps.

Standalone queue

Main queue

Data sync

Dedicated queues

Install the Paragon SDK from npm and embed any integration into your app. Fully compatible with Next.js, React, and Vue apps.

Standalone queue

Main queue

Data sync

Dedicated queues

Install the Paragon SDK from npm and embed any integration into your app. Fully compatible with Next.js, React, and Vue apps.

Horizontal scaling

Use Git to version-control and introduce code review to your workflows and integration config.

Horizontal scaling

Use Git to version-control and introduce code review to your workflows and integration config.

Horizontal scaling

Use Git to version-control and introduce code review to your workflows and integration config.

Horizontal scaling

Use Git to version-control and introduce code review to your workflows and integration config.

Smart rate limits

Smart rate limits

Smart rate limits

Smart rate limits

Monitor every ingestion job

Monitor every ingestion job

Get full observability into every run, and get ahead of any potential errors with our event webhooks.

Get full observability into every run, and get ahead of any potential errors with our event webhooks.

Detailed view of every workflow run

Stream errors in real-time to your own monitoring platform 

(ie. Sentry, Datadog, etc.)

Customer dashboard for monitoring sync job statuses for

each of your customers

Start ingesting your users' data

Join AI & SaaS companies scaling their integration ingestion pipelines with Paragon

Start ingesting your users' data

Join AI & SaaS companies scaling their integration ingestion pipelines with Paragon

Start ingesting your users' data

Join AI & SaaS companies scaling their integration ingestion pipelines with Paragon

Start ingesting your users' data

Join AI & SaaS companies scaling their integration ingestion pipelines with Paragon